I’M NEW to all this and have questions, tough questions – Do you have doubts and questions? Most people do. You can email a question to our Pastor, but before you do, here are some frequently asked questions. And check out our videos and live streaming of services on Facebook and YouTube. Also, GotQuestions is a great resource for tough questions. Our church is a group of people who care about each other. We would welcome a relationship with you, and explain how you could have a personal relationship with God also.
What is our real problem?
We have discovered that, at the core, our problems are the result of our separation from God. God is perfect and holy – we are not. We tend to do things wrong in many selfish ways. That’s called sin.
How can I fix my sin problem?
God made a way. Not one where we have to do something first to get right with God, like a sacrifice. No, He sent Jesus to be the sacrifice for our sin. We just need to accept His sacrifice by saying I want Jesus to be the sacrifice for my sin and choose for Him to be the Lord of my life – to live my life, from now on, the way He shows.
Can I get to God other ways? Is Jesus the only way?
What about Buddha, Mohamed, Confucius? Jesus stated in John 14:6 that He is the only way to the Father (God), that His sacrifice for our sins on the cross was the only way for us to remove our sins to have a relationship with God. All other attempts to reach God are methods for man to do something to try and make God happy with us.
Do I need to belong to a church?
Some people have had bad experiences in a church. Just remember there is no perfect church or members because we are all sinners. So forsake not the assembling together (Hebrews 10:25). We, as the body of Christ, need each other.
Can I trust that the bible is the word of God?
There are more bible manuscripts than any other ancient writing. Aristotle’s works have 49 manuscripts, written 1400 years after the original. Sophocles 193, 1400 years, Homer’s Iliad 643, 500 years, the New Testament 5600 of less than 100 years. And is this your real question? Or is it implications of what will change in your life if you believe? God and the church will help you make the changes God shows you to do.
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Because it is now a fallen world. God created a perfect world, but Adam and Eve sinned and caused a number of problems. We no longer have a close relationship with God (sin separates us), death entered the world, and the environment was cursed (Rom. 8:19-22).
Why should I become a Christian?
Becoming a Christian does not mean following a set of rules or adopting a philosophy so as to get right with God. It means trusting in Christ (John 3:16) and receiving him (John 1:12). It means you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) and that only through his sacrifice on the cross can you be forgiven of your sins, so that when you die and face God the Father on the Day of Judgment that you will not be sent to hell. Here are some benefits:
- Escaping God’s judgment
Perhaps the most important reason for becoming a Christian would be so that you escape the righteous judgment of God and spend eternity with Him. This can only be accomplished by trusting in the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. Without Jesus, no one would ever have any hope of entering into the presence of God. After all, God is perfect and holy, and we are not. He must judge those who rebel against Him. If He did not, He would be approving evil. Evil is doing such things as lying, stealing, etc. If you have ever lied or stolen, then you are a liar and a thief. God cannot let liars and thieves enter heaven. So, in order to escape His righteous judgment, it is necessary to trust God, and the means of deliverance He has provided us in the person of Christ. So, being delivered from judgment is a great reason to start your walk with Christ.
- Freedom from guilt and shame
You can experience greater freedom from guilt and shame. We are all imperfect, and we all make mistakes of varying degrees. Some of us have done some very bad things, so bad that when we remember them, we feel real guilt and a real shame. But when we become Christian, we know that Christ has forgiven us of all the evil that we have done. If He can forgive us, then we can be set free. Here are some benefits:
- Experiencing God’s presence
In addition, being a Christian means you will experience the presence of God in your life. It does not mean that everything will automatically get better and all your problems will go away. However, things usually get better when you follow God’s word and do what is right. He rewards those who seek Him (Luke 6:23, Colossians 3:24, Hebrews 11:6), and He does want good for us.
- Fellowship with Jesus
Christians have fellowship with Jesus. 1 Corinthians 1:9 says, “God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” So, God has not left us alone, and He desires a relationship with us. We experience the presence of the Lord in our lives, and we can see that same presence in other people’s lives. There is a horizontal fellowship. That means one to another. We enjoy the company of other Christians. The vertical fellowship is our relationship with God.
- Fellowship with other Christians
Within Christianity, there’s the fellowship that we have with one another in church and other believers around the world. Though churches are not perfect, we have a common core of beliefs and desire to grow in our relationship with Christ.
- The Bible becomes a living book
By becoming a Christian, the Bible becomes a living book. To unbelievers, the Bible is often a book of stories and occasional wisdom sayings all mixed into history. To the Christian, the Bible is the inspired word of God speaking to us. This is because God is living in us and His words resonate with us.
Would you like to become a follower of Christ? Talk to God in prayer, admitting to Him that you are a sinner and that you want Him to forgive your sins, asking Jesus to be your savior and Lord. Let us know that you’ve made this decision. Email us via Contact Us or call 417-532-6159.