You are invited to Joy and Laughter: It’s Good for Your Soul at the Laclede Baptist Camp on April 29th from 8:15 am to 2:30 pm. This is open to all ladies (and their friends) from all the churches in the Laclede Baptist Association. Angelia Carpenter will be the Guest speaker and Nancy Russell will be the worship leader. Please register and pay the $10 cost by April 15th. The event verse is Proverbs 17:20 – A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.

The tentative schedule is:

8:15 Registration in the cafeteria
8:30-9:15 Continental Breakfast plus muffins or fruit bread, mini-Quiche, and boiled eggs
9:15-9:5 Praise, worship, and prayer in Wolfe Hall
9:45-10:15 guest speaker Angelia Carpenter
10:15-10:30 comfort break
10:30-11:20 Panel Program, Part 1
11:20-11:25 Song
11:25-12:15 Panel Program, Part 2
12:30 Lunch
1:30 comedian Valerie Howe
2:00 Small group discussion on how to put more laughter in your life
2:30 closing and door prize drawing

Payment can be made via SecureGive on our website or checks payable to Laclede County Baptist Association can be mailed to LCBA, Box 1221 Lebanon, MO 65536.

Please have the leader of each church attending bring a gift basket for the drawing.

To register, complete the form below.

Women's Retreat Registration Form

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